WE regret to say that fever is increasing rapidly, and becoming each day more malignant in its character, and more fatal in its consequences. Since our last, we have heard of many cases among the wealthier classes of our fellow-citizens, who have been suddenly stricken down, and whose disease has assumed the most malignant character. Among those that we heard of, are Mr. BEAMISH, of Beaumont; Mr. LAURANCE– whose disease terminated fatally; Mr. ELLIS of Prince’s-street; Mr. THOMAS JENNINGS; Mr. MARK O’SHAUGHNESSY, &c.

Then the Work-house has its patients– so has the Fever-hospital– so the North Infirmary– so has every lane in the city of Cork. Is it not time for the citizens to look to the matter, ere it becomes still more dangerous? It is not the tenth, nor the twentieth time that we have lifted our warning voice.